Alex Andr

(pron. Ka-La-Gi-Ya)

Freehand translation from russian by:
Jake Sonin

Jake will be glad to hear your comments:
[email protected]

3 x 3 = Boundarylessness

A Teaching of Human and Universe Evolution,
received on the Mahasatyana Ray* from
the Teacher of Humanity Jesus Christ-Maitreia
by a volkhv* A.P.Naumkin in the Altai mountains.


The teaching of "Kalagia" is a Teaching of the Demiurges of the Triune Universe,leading the Human Being to Evolution into a Higher Spheres of the Beauty of Existence--through aspiration, of all those whose essence is but Love and Joy in Unity of Creation with the Creator in the Highest.Practicing the recommendations that this Teaching gives transforms a Human Being by and into an Omnipotent Demiurge in the Genius of God by the Power of the Creation's Creator-- by Creation of Creator by the Creator of Creation in the Highest.There's nothing, that would not be in God's Power,for everything happens according with God's Will, in God,and by God.OUM.

In order to have a better existance, one has to aspire towards the Highest. All the Powers, all the Energy, all the Might, Wisdom, Will,Life and Be-ness are perfectly complete and focused in God. And everything that a Human can find and gain in Existance,he/she finds by aspiration towards Unity in the Highest with the Creator by God's Will by Power of the Creator's Plan and Providence and Providence of the Highest according with One's own discretion.OUM.

Nothing compares with the Omnipotence of a Demiurge in God, for He is the Origin of Be-ness, of Life, of the Creator ant the Creation.Thus One who is aspiring to become a Demiurge in God, finds all His Might, Knowledge, Truth, Immortality of Life Eternal, finds Creation and Be-ness (*the essence of existence).


Peace Loving+All-forgiving+Ascention.OUM.
Jesus Christ-Maitreya.

Part I

The Seeking One

An Argument of Strangeness
The Seeking One:
Our mind should be wise.
Like in a mirror, we shall behold it in the Soul.
Keep both--the mind and the Soul pure,
The flourishing would then be wise.
The Sought For:
Empty are those arguments,
Snce Emptiness--eternal by its virtue..
And what, if ever, can in Emptiness arise,
When there's no dust, and no-thing to get dusty?
The Searching:
You both aren't right today and ever,
Only because you're thirsty for cognition.
Live, better, carefree instead,
Rather than proving your not-knowing [ignorance].